Hello! My name is Kate. I am an editor and the Editorial Team Liaison with MIMJ. One of my many tasks in this position is to make sure that authors have the resources they need to have a smooth, streamlined publishing process with us. I plan and facilitate workshops to assist in the writing process - check out our calendar to see when these events are held. If you have ideas or suggestions for events, let us know in the comments!
When I am not doing school work or working with MIMJ, I most likely have a novel in my hands. My annual reading goal is usually 100 books. I love to read across most genres but tend towards queer literary novels about women making very questionable life choices. When I’m not reading, I try to stay active with things like yoga, rock climbing, or hiking with my partner and two huskies. I am a homebody who prioritizes comfort above many things, but I also know it is hard to be happy or fulfilled without challenges that help you grow. Re-enrolling in college as a non-traditional student, and participating in this internship, have been amongst my most challenging and rewarding experiences.
I originally decided to come back to school to focus on learning to teach adult ESL students, but through the many literature and writing courses in the English program, I discovered my love of editing, and decided to change my path. I enjoy writing, too, but I struggle with feeling like I don’t have anything important or interesting enough to say that warrants publishing, so I would rather help writers who DO have something to say, to say it in the most effective ways. A hobby of mine, which I didn’t mention earlier, is working on puzzles (while listening to an audiobook, of course). Sometimes editing feels like a puzzle. In the same way I have to figure out how the picture comes together, I have to look at a text, figure out what it is trying to say, and how each piece best fits together to make the most cohesive product. It is interesting and fun work, and I enjoy getting to know authors throughout the process.
If you are publishing with us this semester, I look forward to working with you and reading your article! If you have any questions about the writing/editing process, what it is like interning with MIMJ, or anything else- drop a comment below, email me at madeinmujournal@millersville.edu, and COME TO OUR WORKSHOPS!
