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intrinsic motivation in secondary mathematics classrooms

By alyssa ames

Alyssa is a junior from Lancaster, Pennsylvania currently pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics degree with a minor is psychology. She chose to begin this project to fulfill her undergraduate thesis requirements through Millersville University’s Honor’s College. What makes Alyssa so passionate about this topic is that it brings together her three passions for education, mathematics, and psychology into one research project. Through this research, she hopes to gain better knowledge about the math education field and the role that teachers play directly on their student’s motivation. After graduation, Alyssa plans to pursue a career in teaching high school mathematics and eventually work towards a master’s degree in school counseling. The knowledge gained from this research will help her as an educator in the future as it exposes her to the classroom through observations.

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Want to learn more about this presentation? Contact Alyssa at this email address to start a conversation.

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