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The Educational Impact of Music Video Games on Amateur Adult Musicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

By tehya walters

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Tehya Walters is a junior Music Education and Music Performance major with a concentration in flute. She is a member of the McNairy Library Music Research Fellows program. Tehya grew up playing music video games, and she was curious if regularly playing these games could affect the musical abilities of amateur musicians. She has completed a study on the effects of Friday Night Funkin’ on musical phrasing ability. After finding results that align with other music video games studies, she became interested in consolidating these types of studies. Consequently, she performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on studies focusing on the educational effects of non-musician to amateur musician adults who play music video games. After graduation, Tehya hopes to become a band director and to continue researching the impact of video games on music education.




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