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Organizational Tips From the 2021 MiMJ Team

Sometimes, as much as we hate to admit it, we all get a little off task. Whether it be starting homework an hour late or stressing over which assignment to start first with, the MIMJ team is here to help! Below are each of our favorite ways to stay organized, from color-coding to planning in advance.

Macy, Web Design Specialist:

Color-Coding Tasks- Assigning a color to a specific set of tasks or class has been a saving grace throughout my college career. At the beginning of every semester, each course is designated a color from my highlighter collection as a way to easily keep track of upcoming projects and homework assignments. Seeing the colors as I flip through my planner or glance at my to-do lists enables me to automatically draw the connections to the work I need to complete and the class in which it is for.

Sarah, Author Support Specialist:

Making a list of assignments- Creating a list of when tasks and assignments are due before the week starts can be a big help. Planning these dates ahead has helped me manage my time better, prioritize assignments correctly, and help me complete work well before it is due. You never realize how much time you save if you write out everything you have to do for the week prior to it starting. At least for me, this saves me wasting time searching for what is due through all your professors' syllabi, and I end up being very productive!

Leah, Project Managers for Authors:

Using Post-it Notes and Reminders- I create daily reminders and such on post-it notes I switch out every day, and put in places I will definitely see it! This includes the bathroom mirror, the fridge, above my bed (so I spot it right when I wake up!), etc. I also utilize phone alarms as reminders to get things done at certain times, which helps me stay on track during my busiest days!

Haley, Marketing and Outreach Specialist:

Strategize your assignments- Many classes have a big project or paper (or several!) due near the end of the semester. Make sure you begin working on them well in advance and give yourself time throughout the semester to finish it. This ultimately creates less stress for you and a much better end paper/project. You do not want to be stuck writing a 25-page research paper a few days before it’s due!

Rachel, Editorial Team Liaison:

Planning my life in Google calendar- At the beginning of each semester, I put all my classes, work, and assignments into my Google calendar and set up notification reminders. I can’t even tell you how many times this system has saved me from missing a meeting! I love how easy it is to color code events so it’s super easy to organize.

With all of these tips, do you think any of these will be useful in your routine? Do you already use one of these tips? If you have any other tips, please feel free to let us know!


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