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working spaces

By sabrina pistoria

Sabrina Pistoria is a senior at Millersville University. Her major is Art Education and she also has a minor in Psychology. Pistoria has always enjoyed applying paint to a fresh canvas and, in taking painting courses at Millersville, she found a passion for oil paint in particular. Her many hours spent working in the painting studio led her to find beauty in the space where so much creativity began. She felt drawn to the lines and shapes of the easels and taborets at which so many different artists worked with. After feeling a great sense of admiration for the creative environment at Millersville, Pistoria felt inspired to paint these working spaces. In truth, Pistoria did not set out to paint an entire series surrounding the painting studio, but once she began, she continued to find more spaces within the studio that captured her attention. Pistoria hopes her series inspires people to look closer and find beauty in overlooked spaces. Upon graduation, Pistoria would like to work with children in a creative capacity. She believes her experiences with this project will help her guide children to view the world in a different light, allowing for creativity and innovation to flourish.

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Want to learn more about this presentation? Contact Sabrina at this email address to start a conversation.

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