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A Look into Sustainable Composites Rejuvenating Leather

By Jordan Satterfield

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Jordan Satterfield is a junior at Millersville University. He is a double major in multidisciplinary studies focused on sports journalism and media/broadcasting. This project was given to him as a class assignment for COMM 326 where they had to write a story that focused on sustainability and be local to the community of Lancaster. Satterfield was really passionate about the entire interview process. This was his first project where he had to make arrangements and meet with people whom he had never met before. It was really exciting because it was the first time where Satterfield felt like a real journalist doing a story on a local company. He even had the chance to take pictures of their products and facility. Satterfield wanted to showcase his journalism skills

and show that he is capable of creating a story that can be featured on platforms for people to read. 

After graduation, Satterfield plans to find a job related to his major as a sports writer, whether it’s for a sports media website, television network, or a local newspaper. He fully expects to use the skills he used for this particular project like interviewing, journalism, or photography skills.

Keywords: sustainability, recycle

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