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How Digital Portfolios can be Useful in Different Disciplines

By Amber Warren, Kateryna Rebensky, Abigail Risser, Xavier Dillingham, & Molly Landfried

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Amber Warren, Kateryna Rebensky, Abigail Risser, Xavier Dillingham, and Molly Landfried are students working together for the English 472: Digital Portfolio course here at Millersville University. For their class, they are each creating their own digital portfolios to showcase their achievements. Amber is a senior Speech Communications ajor with a minor in Writing Studies and a focus on Environmentalism. Kateryna is a Writing Studies major with a minor in French culture studies. Katya plans to use her digital portfolio to gain employment in the field of journalism. Abigail is a senior English: Writing Studies student with minors in Journalism and Women and Gender Studies. She is planning on continuing to graduate school after graduating this spring. Xavier is a senior English major with a focus in Film Studies and an accompanying minor in Theater. Molly Landfried is an English Major concentrating in Writing Studies with a minor in Liguitsics/ESL. These students are presenting and publishing on the topic of digital portfolios, which they feel are important for students in order to learn how to market their achievements to prepare for life after graduation. 

Author's Note:

This presentation was created for ENGL 472: Digital Portfolio during the Spring 2021 semester. 

Thank you, Dr. Farkas, for instructing this course and for helping us with learning about digital portfolios as well as creating our own portfolios. 

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Molly Landfried (, Abigail Risser (, Kateryna Rebensky (, Amber Warren (, or Xavier Dillingham ( 


Keywords:   portfolio, digital, career, resume, work skills

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