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State Sanctioned Aggression Towards Ethnic Groups in Myanmar

By Carly O'Neill

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Rohingya or if indigenous groups were also included. After graduation, she plans on applying to reporter and editing jobs, while freelancing on the side. She sees herself eventually moving to Washington, D.C. to continue to pursue her career. The time and research she invested in this paper will help O’Neill in her future endeavors as an aspiring investigative journalist.

Carly O’Neill is a senior at Millersville University, majoring in media arts production and minoring in international studies and journalism. Once she joined the university’s student newspaper, The Snapper she developed a passion for journalism and writing feature pieces. Thus, after picking Myanmar as her region of study, O’Neill decided she wanted to conduct research on the humanitarian crisis going on against the Rohingya Muslims, along with other ethnic minorities in Myanmar. Overall, she wanted to determine if Myanmar's state-sanctioned aggression was strictly towards non-indigenous groups, such as the

Author's Note: 

This article is part of a larger research paper.

We have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Thank you to Dr. David Owen for all your support during this project. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to  Carly B. O’Neill at



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