Anterior Cruciate Ligaments
By Alexis Jenkins

Alexis Jenkins definitely is very active from the start. Sports have always been her passion; growing up, you could always catch her outside at the softball field playing with her high school, tournament team, or family. This all was until she had an almost career-ending injury occur not just once but twice. Luckily, she could continue to play two years of college softball, but she always wondered why tearing your ACL, also known as your Anterior Cruciate Ligament, was such a big deal. Now years later, she is a Senior here at Millersville studying Sports Journalism. After graduation, she plans to work her way into the ESPN world to eventually become an ESPN Broadcast Journalist.
the book of controversies
By karoline hrouda
​Karoline Hrouda is a senior who is pursuing a double major in Fine Arts (concentrating in Drawing) and Art Education. In her series she was focused on the Book of Hours, a prayer book from the Middle Ages that consists of decorated pages known as Illuminated Manuscripts. She decided to use the illustrations as reference and focus on the religious nature of the book to critique the worship of the upper class, focusing on three specific wealthy men for this series. All three paintings reference a different decorative page of a Book of Hours and follow the same structure and theme of the reference. With these paintings, Karoline hopes to start a conversation about the role the wealthy play in American society.