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Jordan E Traut is a junior at Millersville University double majoring in English and Anthropology with a Japanese Culture Studies minor. She is very involved in the University Honors College having served one academic year as a Student Representative on the University Honors Curriculum Committee, presented at the 2018 and 2019 PASSHE Honors Conference in Harrisburg, and was selected on scholarship for the PASSHE Honors Summer Study Abroad Program. She also is active with the Office of International Programs and Services as a Global Ambassador and International Orientation Leader. In the fall, Jordan is planning to study abroad in Japan. Her academic and professional future pursuits are to attend graduate school majoring in Peace Education, a discipline that would teach her to work with leaders from countries that have experienced major humanitarian crises, and help them rebuild social institutions that are functional but still rooted in their cultural traditions.


Jordan’s poetry piece entitled “Now You’ve Come So I Can Go” will be published in the 2019 George Street Press. She is grateful to Made in Millersville for publishing her work.

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